I am a long term ecologist, interested mostly by the fire ecology and its consequences on ecosystems. I am also a program coordinator for different projects.
Research interests: Disturbances such as fire and herbivory, are key factors acting on the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Better frame the impact of both repetition of a same disturbance, and the impact of multiple disturbances on an ecosystem is the key to break new ground in the comprehensive functioning of complex ecosystems. I am mostly interested now by the Mediterranean area which constitute a key lab of all extreme events and responses to biodiversity. This work is interdisciplinary, and I collaborate frequently with geologist and biogeographers to globally understand the impact of fire in different diversity indexes, and the couple action of multiple repeated disturbances. I also used to work with modelers and land managers to go further by integrating the current economical needs, and the future impacts on ecosystems. Key-words: fire, herbivores, Mediterranean, charcoal, Sporormiella, pollen, Holocene. |